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VISUAL ARTS: Meet Uli in The Labyrinth!

Artist Ulrike Liebetrau will be hosting tours of The Labyrinth on Saturday 2 & Saturday 23 April from 10am-3pm – free, all ages welcome.

The Labyrinth exhibition is an immersive installation inviting you to “get lost in art” and to enter an illuminated space filled with rich colour and light. The pieces are inspired by the beauty of nature and made with discarded ‘rubbish’ of our wasteful society.

The exhibition combines new and re-invented creations. Some sculptures invite the visitors to feel and explore them and to discover their own creativity. This multi-sensory experience is made for all age groups. Holographic rainbow glasses are provided for additional captivating light effects. Materials used include aluminium cans, scrap wood, plywood, plastic bottles, milk bottles, fabric, and scrap materials from printers.

Hundreds of children have seen this exhibition as part of a school tour – and LOVED it! (Primary and post primary engagement sheets available for school tours – contact us on

Ulrike Liebetrau says: The main reason I practice art is simple: to keep sane and to bring a bit of magic and wonder in this world, the multi-sensory experience while creating, the proprioceptive feedback of the jigsaw, the shiny of the shiny-bits, the smell of the paints, finding solutions making plans and execute them makes me happy and just keeps me right. The secondary reason is to share the result with the world around me and to bring a bit of light, magic and colour into other people’s lives to make them happy. Creating something that wasn’t there before feels so good. In a world of creation I can dream up anything and it is up to me to make it work and transform my ideas into reality. It’s like magic. And every now and then I inspire a person to create which I believe is very important.